Seasonal Essences

  • Winter Solstice Update

    Winter Solstice Update

    A month out from the Winter Solstice, let's revisit the big message we received from the Winter Solstice Essence: Joy. 

    As winter moves on, joy is playing a big part in moving us forward with the rest of life. Joy is wide, deep, and intense—and it doesn't always feel joyful! But it if we can hold the hand that Joy offers us, we will create good things together.

    The trick is to stay in our bodies where we are able to experience the wisdom of joy (our thinking minds aren't great at that).

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  • Winter Solstice Essence - Video Edition

    Winter Solstice Essence - Video Edition

    I'm so happy to share this short video about this year's Winter Solstice Essence – a sweet looking, yet mighty, little essence.

    At first blush, the theme of this season's essence – Joy! – may seem slight. But dig deeper and you will see that Joy is at the heart of our expanded communication skills. Cultivating joy is an extremely smart thing to do this winter.

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  • 2021 Winter Solstice Essence!

    Joy Boat

    Joy wants to be heard this season. The secret, most powerful ingredient we can tap into right now is joy.

    Joy is an atmosphere we can cultivate. Joy is a pair of glasses we need to wear. Joy needs to come out of our hearts, our mouths, and our hands. The highest expression of self-esteem is joy.

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  • Summer Solstice Essence 2021


    These days are calling us to stretch into the nature part of our lineage. When the going gets strange, our nature brothers and sisters know how to follow the trustworthy inner message that says "move" or "stay" or "look over there." They don't need to know how or for what ultimate purpose, but when that message comes, our brothers and sisters in nature listen. They trust.

    Can we do the same? I know we can. And I hope we will. This essence will help.

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