• Friday Thoughts: Ukraine and the Fierce Mother

    Friday Thoughts: Ukraine and the Fierce Mother

    As we worry and pray for the people of Ukraine, the Fierce Mother (who lives inside each one of us) reminds us: we are whole and capable. She knows that our gifts, and the wisdom we have gained from our wounds, are needed to heal the wounds of the world. There is tremendous power when many reject the notion that they are alone and powerless. Our prayers and attentive actions are influential to this situation.

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  • Friday Thoughts: Mothers & Prayers

    Breton Women in Sacred Grove
    Mothers know their children better than anyone... most of the time. We see their goodness, their purity, and the way we watch them so closely during their early years enriches both of our lives. Attention is prayer... How powerful would it be if we were to pray to those mothers and ask them to remember us—all of humanity—as the good, pure, and whole souls we are. I think this might change the world. I really do.
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  • Friday Thoughts: Anna

    Friday Thoughts: Anna

    I am not an expert in Love. But I do know this. Love without an agenda is a powerful force. In the presence of the unknown, at the edge of the cliff, what do we have to lose by looking toward the future and saying, with all the vigor we can muster, “I love you life.” 

    An "Ask the Cards" post.

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  • Friday Thoughts: The Golden Thread

    Friday Thoughts: The Golden Thread

    This week I’ve been struck by the number of conversations I’ve had with people about a pivotal experience that happened to them when they were thirtyish. The questions I asked each of them were the same: After the experience, what did you learn? What questions were you left with? How is it playing out in your life now?

    Read how reconnecting with this thread is a good idea now.

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  • Friday Thoughts: Men

    Friday Thoughts: Men
    Friday mornings I usually spend time in the chair in my dining room. This morning it dawned on me that sitting in that chair on a Fridays has become an invitation to a weekly wrap-up and a theme. This week's theme was all about men and the masculine in all of us. In particular, I noticed messages about the voice of the sacred masculine in my life and in the lives of people I know. Here is what came to me:
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