Seasonal Essences / hide_button

  • Bouncing Rhythm of Spring: Maundy Thursday

    Interior of Christ Church, Gananoque Ontario
    This is a wonderful time to do some personal spring cleaning. As we know, shaking is one of the most effective ways we have to deal with stress or a trauma response. It allows us to shake off and reset. Raise your hand if you haven't felt stressed at some point this year! I shake most days in my qigong practice. But today, I want to add more joy to my shake. And I invite you to shake along with me—to shake out those bits that may be hanging on to you only loosely, to loosen up the more stubborn bits, and to clear the lens of perception with which you regard yourself and your world.
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  • Bouncing into Spring, 2021

    Little boy in front of bouncy castle. Deciding whether or not to enter--lots of fun or too scary?
    This spring it would be helpful to rediscover the childhood joy of bouncing. When we played as children, the unknown didn’t bother us. Being up in the air is thrilling. Looking at the pattern of a splash is fascinating. Bouncing is exhilarating and laughter inducing.
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  • Opening to Spring

    Opening to Spring
    Imagine that right now you are a seedling bursting out of your seed shell and making the journey up through the soil toward the sunlight above. That's exactly what is happening in you right now as the light draws you out of winter and toward spring. As spring approaches, so does a change in focus. How are you now going to turn to the sun and participate in the growth of this busy internal time? Here is some help.
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